DIY fast random tree generation

DIY fast random tree generation

Berlin - Feb 24, 2018
;; A live-coding presentation made with klipse ;; (thank you Yehonathan/viebel!) (defn showme [s] [:h3 (str s)]) [:div (showme (js/Date.))]

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(... thanks to Antoine & Mathieu (maths guys), Hiram and the Paris Clojure Meetup, and Yeonathan for Klipse...)
  • associate professor at Sorbonne University (ex-UPMC)
  • researcher at the Lip6 computer science laboratory
  • (live) programming & maths geek
  • long-time Lisper (scheme, CL, clojure(script))

Warning! this presentation is code heavy! The whole source code is in the slides
⇒ the final generator is about 100 lines of Clojure …​

The random source …​

Our goal is to generate (large) trees…​

It all starts with a good random source.
(goodness: uniformity, reproducibilty, efficiency
  ⇒ cf.

For data generation we’ll go a long way with a good Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG).
   ⇒ there’s a good one in test.check

(require '[clojure.test.check.random
         :refer [make-random  ;; create source with seed
	         split        ;; two generators from one
		 rand-double  ;; uniform double in range [0.0;1.0[

Our source: an immutable PRNG

;; generate a double between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive)
(defn next-double [src]
  (let [[src' src''] (split src)] ;; XXX: throw src?
    [(rand-double src') src'']))

(next-double (make-random 424242))

Generating trees

Why ?
- trees everywhere:
  → elements/compounds (files/directories, shapes/groups,…​)
  → structured documents (sections/subsections,…​)
  → tree-shaped datastructures
  → expression trees (generating programs?),
  → etc.
- a non-trivial case study for uniform random generation
- beautiful maths and algorithms

How ?
- use spec and test.check?
- ad-hoc algorithms for specific cases: binary trees and general trees
- generic algorithms: recursive method, boltzmann sampling, …​

Tree generation with spec

A spec of binary trees …​

(require '[clojure.spec :as s])

;; a spec for binary trees (with int labels)
(s/def ::bintree
  (s/or :tip nil?
        :node (s/tuple ::label ::bintree ::bintree)))
(s/def ::label int?)

;; example
(def ex-btree [1,
               [2 nil nil],
               [3 [4 nil,
                   [5 nil nil]],
               [6 nil nil]]])

(s/valid? ::bintree ex-btree)

Random generation with spec (via test.check):

(s/exercise ::bintree 1)

- non-uniform generation: seems to be biased for small-ish trees
- lack of control: what if I want a bigger tree?

Generating binary trees with test.check

test.check has dedicated support for recursive structures

(require '[clojure.test.check.generators :as gen])

(def node-gen (fn [inner-gen]
                (gen/tuple gen/int inner-gen inner-gen)))

(def bt-gen (gen/recursive-gen node-gen (gen/return nil)))

(gen/generate bt-gen 10)

- non-uniform generation: also small-ish trees
- lack of control: the size parameter does not seem to "work" (for trees)…​


Unbiased sampling means sampling in the uniform distribution.

Defined for a combinatorial class ⇒ e.g. the integers in interval [1;100]

  • each object has a finite size n ⇒ all integers in the interval have size 1
  • there is a finite number Cn of objects of size n ⇒ there are 100 integers of size 1

Uniform distribution: the probability of sampling an object
of size n is (/ 1 Cn)
⇒ the probability of sampling an integer in the interval is (/ 1 100)

Step 1: Tree grammars

We spec a simple (map-based) DSL for tree grammars.

(s/def ::grammar (s/map-of keyword? ::elem))

(s/def ::elem (s/or :neutral ::neutral
                    :atom ::atom
                    :sum ::sum
                    :prod ::prod
                    :ref ::ref))

(s/def ::neutral #{1}) ;; ≅ empty
(s/def ::atom #{'z})   ;; an atom has size 1
;; (+ <e1> <e2> ...) either ... or ...
(s/def ::sum (s/cat :sum #{'+} :elems (s/+ ::elem)))
;; (* <e1> <e2> ...) tupling
(s/def ::prod (s/cat :prod #{'*} :elems (s/+ ::elem)))
;; recursion
(s/def ::ref keyword?)

Example 1: binary trees

(def bt-gram '{:btree (+ :tip :node)
               :node (* z :btree :btree)
               :tip (* 1)})

(s/valid? ::grammar bt-gram)

Example 2: general trees

(def gt-gram '{:gtree (* z :gtrees)
               :gtrees (+ 1 :forest)
	       :forest (* z :gtree :gtrees)})

(s/valid? ::grammar gt-gram)

Non-trivial tree grammars


(def tt-gram '{:ttree (+ :one :two :three)
               :one (* z)
               :two (* z z :ttree :ttree)
	       :three (* z z z :ttree :ttree :ttree)})

(s/valid? ::grammar tt-gram)

Remark: z is "zed" …​ power of z = size

thus in english: trees with internal nodes of arity either 2 and 3
such that:
- the leaves have size 1,
- the binary nodes have size 2
- and the ternary nodes size 3.

Step 2: From tree grammars to functional equations

The tree grammars look suspiciously like equations…​

'{:btree (+ :tip (* z :btree :btree))
  :tip (* 1)}

… something like btree(z) = 1 + z * btree(z)²

Incremental evaluation of tree expressions …​

(defn eval-elem [elem z prev]
    (= elem 1) 1.0
    (= elem 'z) z
    (keyword? elem) (get prev elem)
    :else (let [[op & args] elem]
      (case op
        + (apply + (map #(eval-elem % z prev) args))
        * (apply * (map #(eval-elem % z prev) args))))))

(eval-elem '(* z :btree :btree) 0.25 {:btree 2.0, :tip 1.0, :node 2.0})

… and tree grammars

(defn mapkv [f m]
  (into {} (map (fn [[k v]] (f k v)) m)))

(defn eval-grammar [grammar z prev]
  (mapkv (fn [ref elem] [ref (eval-elem elem z prev)]) grammar))

(eval-grammar bt-gram 0.25 {:btree 2.0 :tip 1.0 :node 2.0})

Boltzmann sampling

Sampling of an object with a Boltmann model (tree expression) C of parameter z:

  • if C is 1 (a constant) then return the empty object (of size 0)
  • if C is z (an atom) then return the corresponding object of size 1
  • if C is (+ A B) (disjoint sum) then:
            ⇒ return an object of A with probability (/ (A z) (B z))
            ⇒ otherwise return an object of B
  • if C is (* A B) generate a pair [a b] with a an object of A and b an object of B

Guarantee: the sampling is uniform

Remark: the control parameter is z, not (directly) the size of the tree.

- what should be the value of z?
- how to compute efficiently the probabilities for disjoint sums?

Singular sampling

What the underlying maths tell us about the functional equations
corresponding to tree grammars:
- they converge (i.e. are analytic) in 0
- there exists a radius of convergence between 0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive)

⇒ The singularity is the limit of convergence

Theorem: By choosing the singularity as the Boltzmann parameter,
the expected size of an object generated by a Boltmann sampler is infinite.

Singular Boltzmann sampling = generating objects near or at the singularity.

Question: how to find the singularity for a given tree grammar?

      ⇒ numerical computation

Step 3 : Singularity oracle

(declare iter)     ;; newton iteration
(declare diverge?) ;; divergence (we went too far)

;; Mr Oracle, please find the singularity
(defn oracle [class zmin zmax eps-iter eps-div debug?]
  (when debug? (println "[search] zmin=" zmin "zmax=" zmax))
  (if (< (- zmax zmin) eps-iter)
    [zmin (iter class zmin eps-div true)]
    (let [z (/ (+ zmin zmax)
          v (iter class z eps-div false)]
      (when debug? (println "  => z=" z "v=" v))
      (if (diverge? v eps-div)
        (recur class zmin z eps-iter eps-div debug?)
        (recur class z zmax eps-iter eps-div debug?)))))

;; (oracle tt-gram 0.0 1.0 0.00001 0.00000001 true)

;; (oracle gt-gram 0.0 1.0 0.001 0.000001 true)

;; (oracle bt-gram 0.0 1.0 0.001 0.000001 true)


Convergence vs. divergence: the details

⇒ Newton iteration, cf. SICP section 1.1.7

;; distance between vectors v1 and v2
(defn norm [v1 v2]
  (reduce-kv (fn [norm elem y1]
               (let [y2 (get v2 elem)
                     y (Math/abs (- y1 y2))]
                 (if (> y norm) y norm))) 0.0 v1))

(norm {:a 0.1 :b 0.3} {:a 0.2 :b -0.2})
;; iteration until distance is less than `eps` (thank you Mr. Newton)
(defn iter [gram z eps debug]
  (loop [v1 (mapkv (fn [k _] [k 0.0]) gram)]
    (let [v2 (eval-grammar gram z v1)]
      ;; (when debug (println "[iter] v2=" v2 "norm=" (norm v1 v2)))
      (if (<= (norm v1 v2) eps)
        (recur v2)))))

;; (oracle bt-gram 0.0 1.0 0.001 0.01 false)
(defn some-kv [pred m]
  (reduce-kv (fn [res k v]
               (let [r (pred k v)]
                 (if r
                   (reduced r)
                   res))) nil m))

;; vector has diverged wrt. eps?
(defn diverge? [v eps]
  (some-kv (fn [_ w] (or (< w 0.0) (> w (/ 1.0 eps)))) v))


Step 5: Weighted grammars

An interesting pre-computation is to calculate the weights of
the operands of disjoint sums (+ operator)

(defn weighted-args [args z weights]
  (let [eargs (mapv (fn [arg] [arg (eval-elem arg z weights)]) args)
        total (apply + (map second eargs))]
    (loop [eargs eargs, acc 0.0, wargs []]
      (if (seq eargs)
        (let [[arg weight] (first eargs)
              acc' (+ acc weight)]
          (recur (rest eargs) acc' (conj wargs [arg (/ acc' total)])))
        ;; no more arg

(defn weighted-elem [elem z weights]
    (#{1 'z} elem) elem
    (keyword? elem) elem
    :else (let [[kind & args] elem]
            (case kind
              * elem
              + (cons '+ (weighted-args args z weights))))))

(defn weighted-gram [class z weights]
  (mapkv (fn [ref elem] [ref (weighted-elem elem z weights)]) class))

Tree grammar examples

;; binary trees
(let [[z v] (oracle bt-gram 0.0 1.0 0.00001 0.000001 false)]
  (def bt-sing z)
  (def bt-wgram (weighted-gram bt-gram z v)))

;; general trees
(let [[z v] (oracle gt-gram 0.0 1.0 0.00001 0.000001 false)]
  (def gt-sing z)
  (def gt-wgram (weighted-gram gt-gram z v)))

;; one-two-three trees
(let [[z v] (oracle tt-gram 0.0 1.0 0.00001 0.000001 false)]
  (def tt-sing z)
  (def tt-wgram (weighted-gram tt-gram z v)))

Non-deterministic choice

(defn choose [src choices]
  (let [[x src'] (next-double src)]
    (some (fn [[elem proba]]
            (and (<= x proba) [src' elem]))

(choose (make-random) [[:one 0.5] [:two 0.8] [:three 1.0]])

Step 5: Boltzmann sampler

Based on the weighted grammer, the random generator is rather simple
(but there’s an issue lurking, can you find it?)

(defn gentree [src wgram label elem]
    (= elem 1) [src nil]
    (= elem 'z) [src 'z]
    (keyword? elem) (recur src wgram elem (get wgram elem))
    :else (let [[op & args] elem]
      (case op
        + (let [[src' choice] (choose src args)]
            (recur src' wgram label choice))
        * (reduce (fn [[src v] arg]
            (let [[src' res] (gentree src wgram label arg)]
	      (if (#{nil 'z} res)
                [src' v]
                [src' (conj v res)]))) [src [label]] args)))))

;; (gentree (make-random) tt-wgram :ttree :ttree)

Problem: the generated tree is very often very small (e.g. size 1)
and could be rather infrequently very (very very …​) large because:
- the Boltzmann distribution of sizes is largely biased ("peaked") towards small trees
- the expected size is infinite

   ⇒ how to control the size?

Idea 1: Computing the size without building the tree

but be careful with (very very …​) large trees

;; (tail recursive) generation of size
(defn gensize
  [src wgram maxsize elem]
   (loop [src src, elem elem, size 0, cont '()]
     (if (>= size maxsize) ;; <== important!
       [-1 src]
         (nil? elem) (if (seq cont)
                        (recur src (first cont) size (rest cont))
                        [size src])
         (= elem 1) (recur src nil size cont)
         (= elem 'z) (recur src nil (inc size) cont)
	 (keyword? elem) (recur src (get wgram elem) size cont)
         (let [[op & args] elem]
           (case op
             + (let [[src' elem'] (choose src args)]
                 (recur src' elem' size cont))
             * (recur src (first args) size (concat (rest args) cont))))))))

;; (gensize (make-random) tt-wgram 1000 :ttree)

Problem: many trees are small, the random source must be "heated" to
obtain better results

Heating the source

(defn gensizes [src wgram maxsize elem]
  (let [[size src'] (gensize src wgram maxsize elem)]
    (if (> size 0)
      (lazy-seq (cons [size src] (gensizes src' wgram maxsize elem)))
      (recur src' wgram maxsize elem))))

(take 20 (map first
  (gensizes (make-random) tt-wgram 1000 :ttree)))

Idea 2: reject small-ish trees

⇒ this is called rejection sampling …​ but that’s just filter!

(take 15 (map first (filter (fn [[size _]] (> size 100))
  (gensizes (make-random) tt-wgram 1000 :ttree))))

Final step (?): The Boltzmann sampler

(defn boltzmann [src wgram sing elem min-size max-size]
  (let [[size src'] (first (filter (fn [[size _]] (>= size min-size))
	                      (gensizes src wgram max-size elem)))
	[src'' tree] (gentree src' wgram elem elem)]
    [src'' size tree]))

but wait! There’s something’s fishy …​

    ⇒ Our generator cannot generate a tree with one million nodes because …​

because ???

because gentree is not tail-recursive!


Tree generation (tail recursive)

Looking for a Clojure Kata?

(defn gentree' [src wgram maxsize elem]
  (loop [src src, label elem, elem elem, size 0, cont '()]
      (>= size maxsize) [nil src]
      (keyword? elem) (recur src elem (get wgram elem) size cont)
      (= elem 1) (recur src nil nil size cont)
      (seq? elem)
      (let [[op & args] elem]
        (case op
          + (let [[src' elem'] (choose src args)]
              (recur src' label elem' size cont))
          * (recur src label (first args) size (cons [label (rest args)] cont))))
      (let [[[node rst] & cont'] cont]
          (= elem 'z) (if (vector? node)
                        (recur src nil nil (inc size) cont)
                        (recur src nil nil (inc size) (cons [[node] rst] cont')))
          (nil? elem)
            (seq rst) (recur src nil (first rst) size (cons [node (rest rst)] cont'))
            (seq cont')  (let [[[node' rst'] & cont''] cont']
                           (recur src nil nil size (cons [(conj node' node) rst'] cont'')))
            :else [src node]))))))

Final final step: A generic uniform random tree generator

(defn boltzmann' [src wgram sing elem min-size max-size]
  (let [[size src'] (first (filter (fn [[size _]] (>= size min-size))
	                      (gensizes src wgram max-size elem)))
	[src'' tree] (gentree' src' wgram elem elem)]
    [src'' size tree]))

Generating one-two-three’s

;; (boltzmann' (make-random) tt-wgram tt-sing :ttree 9 10)

Generating binary trees

;; (boltzmann' (make-random) bt-wgram bt-sing :btree 10 30)

Generating general trees

;; (boltzmann' (make-random) gt-wgram gt-sing :gtree 4 100)


  • random generation is (beautiful) science, art, and craft
  • unbiased sampling should be the default (bias should be intentional)
  • better automated testing is possible
  • …​ the missing part: generation by the recursive method

(a lot) More on the topic?

Boltzmann Samplers for the Random Generation of Combinatorial Structures

Duchon, Flajollet, Louchard and Shaeffer, 2004

Thank you!

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